Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Despite the fact that I am still single, this isn't going to be an emo post. Not in the slightest.

I'm going to use today as a kind of Thanksgiving.

Someone on my LJ friends list put it this way: Love is special. Why shouldn't it have its own holiday? Celebrate it any way you like and don't worry about commercialism or any of that crap. It's a hell of a lot healthier than being cynical. Of course, if you act completely different on this one day towards your significant other than you do the rest of the year, then you should have a good long chat with yourself. But you don't get to throw a party every evening of the year, so why not go hog wild? (If it helps, maybe you can think of it as a modern-day version of the pagan sex holidays)

I have had relationships of varying degrees of seriousness with five different women. Thank you, each one of you, for what you brought into my life and how you helped me grow. I still think fondly of you all.

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